Lincoln-Newark-Nottingham 157 Miles

This weekend I was tempted out for a Sunday roast in Nottingham. I had a major mishap on Friday that resulted in being recovered and taken back to base for a clean up and dressing of my wounds cuts and bruises from a fall! I went along the usual Sustrans National cycling route 1 as I often refer to as the big red 1. I met some interesting people on route from all over Europe and locals. A little bit more about the National Cycle Network (NCN)

The National Cycle Network (NCN) is the national cycling route network of the United Kingdom, which was established to encourage cycling throughout Britain, as well as for the purposes of bicycle touring. It was created by the charity Sustrans who were aided by a £42.5 million National Lottery grant.

So keep buying the Tickets people  !

New Shirt EuroVelo Routes 

Met Alastair heading south on route 1 from Scotland 

Jos Copplelmans from the Netherlands heading south on route 1 

Erica from Lincoln out for a ride along route 1 

Big Up To Paul from Leipzig Germany when I asked him how long was he out for he said He left home in March !! That's 6 months folks 

Mindless vandalism of the route information boards between Lincoln and Newark  

Villages and places past through 

Villages and places past through 

Villages and places past through 

Luxury accommodation on the way home when the rain started 

Room Only no B & B 

Three happy peddlers on route 1 departed from York heading to Norfolk

Lawrence heading North on the big red 1 

Home 157 miles round trip 

Get a Bike Get Out !
