History and Overview

      History and Overview




This Blog was started with the aim of encouraging people from all walks of life and abilities to get a bike and get out onto the routes and roads for their own personal goals health and wellbeing. Other than walking it’s a fabulous way of seeing the sights and sounds that the countryside has to offer. And of course, it keeps you fit and healthy. Help and advice is on hand from experienced cyclists, professionals, Bike shops and vendors. So, if you haven’t ventured out or don’t want to alone get in touch My Bike Safaris (MBS) community will help you its free impartial advice and if you have the time come along on a safari. Weekends, single days, over nights and longer Safaris are regularly under taken. The blog pages will give you an idea on what sort of mileage and places we go. Shorter safaris can be arranged for beginners so don’t be afraid let us know what you feel capable of doing and want to do.


The Name

I choose the word “Safari” meaning journey over land not that every Safari ride you or I under take has necessarily got to be hundreds of miles. So, My Bike Safaris #MBS was born in 2016.
